This is the time to prepare yourself for the Hispanic Market
If you are a car sales person, you don't speak Spanish, and you deal with Hispanic customers on a daily basis: this message is definitely for you.
Introducing SpanishforCar Sales, the handiest multimedia reference app available in the market to help sell vehicles to your Spanish - speaking customers.
With theSpanishforCar Dealers (SFCD) application you can:
Learn to say the right expression at the right time Let the app make the Spanish talking for you Show the customer the Spanish text of what you want to say Don't repeat just like a parrot Learn to build your sentences Don't worry about grammar or rules Speed up your learning process with our Hide & Show feature Listen and review the phrases while you're driving or relaxing
Experts in the Hispanic market say: "A few words in Spanish is all what you need to start building rapport"
"And remember that sales is all about rapport"
Review the steps for a car sale on a bilingual basis! This handy app has taken the most common proven STEPS-TO-A-CAR-SELL method and organized them in such a way that is a summary of the procedure to follow to deliver automobiles to your Spanish-speaking customers. And it is bilingual!
Take a look at the main features of the program.
SFCD works on smartphones, tablets, laptops, PC and can be displayed on big TV using your smartphone as a remote control. And the price is incredibly affordable! For a limited time just a one time payment of $ 25! Don't miss this excellent opportunity to empower yourself to sell to Spanish-speaking customers.
Call us @ 754 444 2416
Click here to enjoy a sample of the incredible features some common Spanish sentences at a car dealer using our Smart Phrasebooks feature.